Dennis Eagle

Dennis Eagle, part of the Terberg Environmental Group, is a world leader in the design and manufacture of refuse collection vehicles, with an established reputation for supplying quality products that meet the highest expectations in terms of performance, cost and delivery.

The challenge

How do you replicate manufacturing processes in units that are half the size of the main factory? As Dennis have grown, they frequently have had to take on new units with height restrictions, but still need to lift parts over and onto a 4-metre truck. Each new smaller factory brings its own unique configuration challenges.

The solution

Take their Warwick factory for instance. It’s wide and low when narrow and high would be ideal. Thankfully, we’ve got a team of born problem solvers. Instead of a single beam with an underslung hoist, we designed a double beam with top-running, low-headroom hoist. What at the outset looked an impossibility to our client is now a functioning reality.

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TATA Deeside
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TATA Hartlepool